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AgingA to add years to your life and life to your years...

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Scientific shares about living long and healthy.


Dr. Metin Sökmen

Grafik & Steteskop


What do we understand when we say aging?

In fact, the aging process is a process in which we have difficulty in performing some of our functions, our probability of death increases, and we gradually lose our physiological integrity. Transition to disorder...


Where are we in the human war against this process? I aim to show it.

At the same time, it is necessary to clarify one more terminology in these introductory sentences. When I say aging, I am not talking about a number or age. We can start the definition from childhood and adolescence. Maybe even one of the first vital signs in the womb...

As all humanity, we want a better life, a better aging experience.

Less disease, more life energy… and of course a longer life.

We are not the first generation to want this.

We know that this desire comes from ancient times, as far as we can see from the written and unwritten works that have survived to the present day.

But the beginning probably goes back even further. To the first fear of death...

Because if life is curiosity, death is fear. What we fight against, as always, is our own fears.


I think we have a difference. The desire is the same desire as I mentioned. Passion, on the other hand, can increase or decrease depending on the periodic situation of the world. Maybe less, maybe more than before. These are not what I'm talking about. Our real difference is that we can be the first generation to achieve our wishes.

We have already started to set goals for ourselves. During the 20th century, we managed to reduce life expectancy to the 80s, especially thanks to our ability to control infectious diseases. Our current goal on this path is to make living to 100 years old normal. Getting from 80 to 100 will be much harder than getting from 60 to 80. I can already say that we will reach 100 this century.


The big goal is to extend our species-specific horizon beyond 120 years. Of course, we want to be able to still walk and think during this transition. We want to age healthily.

Do we deserve this? I don't know.

But the fountain of youth is about to be found.

When we think of the hundreds of thousands of years in our evolutionary journey, what are the next decades?

This power at our fingertips can create a dystopian future... or a smile...

We are the ones who will decide this.

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